
Dame is the easiest and most popular partner-changing move. In Rueda, 99% of the time the leader moves to a new partner on the right. The follower stays put. And Dame is a no-frills way to do just that.

The core of Dame is two moves: Picalante and Dile Que Non. For Picalante the leader goes forward (the opposite of his Guapea), while the follower moves backward (the same as her Guapea). There’s just a little bit of tension here when you do it because you’re moving in different directions. If you dance Salsa, you’ll recognize the Dile Que Non - it’s the basic Cross-Body Lead.

Picalante and Dile Que Non are also used to end other moves where you don’t change partners, such as Hecho or Three-Way Stop.

Dame is sometimes called Dame Una to distinguish it from Dame Dos, with the “Una” or “Dos” meaning how many partners the leader skip (counting from the one you’re with now).

Gimme - flick fingers into fist


Generally Dame starts on the 5,6,7 of a Guapea

Count Leader Follower
1,2,3 Same as Guapea Same as Guapea
5,6,7 Same as Guapea but when you’re hands meet, give a little extra push and let go, leaning over to the right for your next partner Same as Gupea but left arm up
(Picalante) Beat 1 Forward with left - same foot as Guapea but different direction Back with right
2 Replace right foot Replace left foot
3 Left foot together Right foot together
4 (Pause) At this point, your hand should be on follower’s left shoulder. (Pause)
(Dile Que Non) 5 Left foot replace, with your left hand, catch her right hand Walk in front of leader with left foot
6 Right foot replace Turn to your left while stepping on your right. You should be past the leader
7 Left foot replace Keep turning to your left as you step into place beside new leader
8 (Pause) You are now in position for a Gaupea (Pause)
The follower’s step on Picalante is a little easier if on 4, you pull your left foot into your right, called a “collect” because you’re collecting your center of gravity. On the five you will step out with that left foot. Dile Que Non 5,6,7 is “walk-turn-turn”. At the end, you should be facing the exact same way you did at the beginning, and so it’s a full 360 degree turn. It will feel fast at first, but will be second nature after awhile.